
Closed species by Comatose

Everyone Has one

Sentient creatures all have a guardian granted to them by the deity of Life. The veliae.

The spirits known as veliae were originally created to assist Life in the maintenance of the forest of souls nestled safely in the life domain. They were majestic, large creatures with crowns of antlers or horns that would assist them in pruning branches. Pouches which they could safely tuck soul fruit in when ready for harvest with their dexterous paws. Thick manes and long necks which helped keep fresh souls safe as they were transported to the roots of the Life Tree.

One day, a veliae started to speak to the souls as they transmuted from the fruits of the forest. They became more invested with the ones reborn than the newer souls, learning of their past lives and eagerly awaiting them to return to the domain. Life took notice of their behavior and observed from a distance, noting how they took to one in particular. They had tried to whisper to the soul on what could be done to be better than the soul had done in their last incarnation. After witnessing this behavior over a few generations, the deity approached the veliae and offered to send them off with the soul on its next rebirth. The catch was, they would not be seen and must agree to revert to a smaller, less powerful form. Excited at the idea, the veliae agreed. They became the first positive aspect of their kind.

Seeing this, a few others stepped forward and asked if they could follow their favorite souls as well and Life agreed, changing them into positive and negative aspects and sending them off to the mortal realm. As it proved to be beneficial to mortals, Life begun creating more veliae specific for each soul, their aspects determined by their personalities. So it went with each reincarnated and new soul.

They were unique in their shades and shapes; and when their charges died they assisted the souls to Death's open door to be judged and reborn. They whispered in their charges' minds, trying to direct them as best as the spirits could. Some grew in power over the centuries and managed to ascend back into guardians, while the majority stayed in the smaller, invisible forms. Positive or negative, the creatures love their duties and do them without fail or complaint.

The Aspects

All Veliae have their double set of ears, long tails, large pupil-less eyes and a glowing flame over their forehead known as the Soulflame. The flame contains their essence and if it ever goes out, the veliae would cease to exist.Along their lower abdomen they have a pouch. This is not for holding young, as veliae are spirits and do not have organs to reproduce, but it is a pocket dimension, able to hold roughly 50lbs of small objects they can pick up with their opposable thumbed paws. Most keep snacks in their pouch, while others collect random objects they find neat.


The positive aspect veliae is a charming little creature. It is long, sometimes referred to as a tubefox to those who don't know the difference, and chipper standing at a small 30cm tall at the shoulder and sporting two small wings on their hips.They tend to have more energy than the other aspects and are more friendly to other veliae and creatures they meet. Naturally, there can be exceptions to this, as each is an individual. These ones like to think of everyone as a whole, guiding their mortal souls toward the betterment of the world even if there is a touch of self sacrifice in there. While they won't suggest jumping off a bridge, they might try to urge the mortal toward stopping a fight or giving money to the poor even if their charge doesn't have much to give.They are rather common among the masses, roughly 60% of all life has a positive aspect spirit following them around, whispering to them about how to be good.


Those who have a negative aspect are more stout, with thick manes and shorter necks than their positive counterparts though they stand slightly taller at 38cm on average. They too have small wings on their hips used to channel magic that enables flight.These veliae tend to be more on the quiet side, distrusting things they can't understand or explain at a glance. They tend to be more thoughtful and contemplative, having to look at every angle available before they give suggestions to their charges. They try to guide their assigned souls toward a path of self preservation, seeking to help rise them up and thinking of their benefit before anyone else's.They are not nearly as numerous in population as positives but still assist 39% of the population in the direction of self preservation.


The guardian. Large beasts standing at over 180cm tall and sporting wings at the shoulder instead of hip, this rare version of the veliae can step out of the spirit plane and become visible to their charges and everyone around. These were the originals; the ones who were so enamored with the stories of the souls they tended that they agreed to lose their power. Most of this aspect still live among the forest of Life, serving no single soul, and are referred to as Caretakers by the deity. They have regained their original forms due to time and diligence, proving to Life that their love of one particular mortal wasn't a fleeting fancy.They vary in body types, sometimes having longer necks similar to the positives and some sport manes. All have either horns or antlers encircling their soulflames as a diadem would. While they could encourage and guide their charges in either positive or negative directions, the guardians prefer to protect physically and act as a friend rather than spirit guide. On occasion they will even grant their charge the permission to sit upon their backs in flight. Guardians do not have a general personality but vary far more greatly than their smaller variants do.They may wield minor magic or grant their mortals with magic specializations such as controlling a single element or shaping intangible illusions.

Aspect images by @gotsheltie on insta


Guardians have no pattern or alternative standards. They are classified as Rarity ★★★★Positive and Negative aspects share traits in three tiers assigned by a star-system. One star is the most common while three is the rarest.These traits are as follows:

Gold, Orange, Brown, GrayNubs, NoneCreams, Browns, Whites, RedsFlats, Merle, Brindle, SpottedBlues, Greens, NoneSolids: Reds, Blues, Greens 
★★Red, Blue, Green, PurpleSmall Horns, Small AntlersGrays, Blues, BlacksAsymmetry PiebaldReds, YellowsDualtoned: Yellows, Grays, PurplesNatural Growths: Vines, Flowers, etc.
★★★Bisected, Multicolor, Heterochromia, PupiledLarge Horns, Large AntlersFully UnnaturalBisected, Albinism, MelenismMultiple, Any ColorMulticolor, Rainbow, BlackDocked Tail, No Tail,
No Wings, Pouchless, Metalic Growths, Mineral Growths


The Veliae is a closed species, thus there are a set of rules which must be followed if you wish to own one of the species. If you violate these rules, you will be barred from obtaining any future veliae.

1. While you are the owner of a Veliae, you are agreeing to not replicate, breed or sell/trade* the character.
*sale premitted only if rule 2 is followed
2. If you no longer wish to own the character, you must notify Comatose of the sale through the Veliae Transfer Form* or by messaging Coma on Discord
(*will be located in the footer of this website)
3. You may not make your own Veliae as MYO slots are not yet available. You may apply for a custom when they open on Coma's Ko-Fi.4. If you wish to change the design of your veliae, the changes must follow the standards of the aspect and their star ranking then must be approved before the new design is posted publicly or updated on the masterlist.5. Want to keep the design but no longer wish for them to be part of the species? Let Coma know to release them from the masterlist. You may not resell the design as a veliae in the future and must change their species once this is done.


owned by x
★ Aspect

owned by x
★ Aspect

owned by x
★ Aspect

owned by Comatose
★ Positive
Cream Base, Brindle Mark, Blue Accent, Orange Eyes, Red Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★ Positive
White Base, Spot Mark, No Accent, Gold Eyes, Green Soulfire

owned by Ridakt
★★ Positive
Gray Base, Flat Mark, Red Accent, Green Eyes, Lavender Soulfire

owned by Dyzkei
★ Positive
~ White Base, Spot Mark, Green Accent, Green Eyes, Green Soulfire~

owned by FOR SALE
★ Positive
White Base, Merle Mark, No Accent, Brown Eyes, Red Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★★ Positive
Black Base, Brindle Mark, Yellow Accent, Red Eyes, Dual Soulfire: Pruple & Yellow

owned by FOR SALE
★★ Positive
Red Base, Marle Mark, Blue Accent, Gray Eyes, Blue Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★★★ Positive
Blue Base, Spot Mark, Purple Accent, Yellow Eyes, Gray Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★ Positive
Red Base, Flat Mark, No Accent, Brown Eyes, Red Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★ Positive
Brown Base, Flat Mark, Blue Accent, Gray Eyes, Green Soulfire

owned by Corivana
★★ Positive
Cream Base, Brindle Mark, Green Accent, Orange Eyes, Green Soulfire

owned by Comatose
★★ Positive
Black Base, Flat Mark, Piebald, Yellow Accent, Brown Eyes, Dual Blue Soulfire

owned by Revlisfox
★★★ Positive
White Base, Flat Mark, Yellow Accent, Gray Eyes, Dual Soulfire: Purple & Blue

owned by FOR SALE
★★ Positive
Cream Base, Flat Mark, Red Accent, Blue Eyes, Blue Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★ Positive
Red Base, Spot Mark, No Accent, Gray Eyes, Red Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★ Negative
Wite Base, Flat Mark, Blue Accent, Orange Eyes, Green Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★ Negative
Cream Base, Merle Mark, Blue Accent, Yellow Eyes, Blue Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★ Negative
Brown Base, Spot Mark, No Accent, Brown Eyes, Blue Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★★ Negative
Red Base, Brindle Mark, Piebald, Asymmetric, No Accent, Purple Eyes, Soulfire: Red & Yellow

owned by FOR SALE
★★ Negative
Black Base, Spot Mark, Blue Accent, Brown Eyes, Blue Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★ Negative
Brown Base, Spot Mark, Red Accent, Gold Eyes, Green Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★★ Negative
Cream Base, Merle Mark, Yellow Accent, Blue Eyes, Yellow Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★ Negative
Cream Base, Flat Mark, Blue Accent, Gold Eyes, Green Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★ Negative
White Base, Spot Mark, Green Accent, Gray Eyes, Red Soulfire

owned by FOR SALE
★ Negative
Brown Base, Brindle Mark, Green Accent, Brown Eyes, Red Soulfire

owned by Revlisfox
★★ Negative
Blue Base, Merle Mark, No Accent, Green Eyes, Purple Soulfire

owned by Comatose
★★ Negative
Brown Base, Brindle Mark, Piebald, Red Accent, Purple Eyes, Dual Soulfire: Blue & Gray

owned by x
★★ Negative

owned by Heckinborkk (rip </3)
★★★ Negative
if you see this veliae being used, report it!
Black Base, Flat Mark, Multiple Accent, Yellow Eyes, Dual Soulfire: Black & Yellow

owned by GanjaNymph
★★★ Negative
Brown Base, Flat Mark, Yellow Accent, Hetero Eyes: Purple & Gray, White Soulfire

owned by Marichan
★★★★ Guardian
BlueBase, Merle Mark, Piebald, Asymmetric, Rainbow Accent, Blue Eyes, Blue Soulfire

owned by Revlisfox
★★★★ Guardian
Purple Base, Flat Mark, Albinism, Red Accent, Pink Eyes, Tri Soulfire: Red, Green, Blue

owned by Ivoryshadow
★★★★ Guardian
Blue & Red Base, Bisected Spot Mark, No Accent, Hetero Eyes: Gold & Green, Dual Soulfire: Black & Yellow

owned by FOR SALE
★ Aspect
no deviation

owned by x
★ Aspect
no deviation

owned by x
★ Aspect
no deviation

owned by x
★ Aspect
no deviation


Under Construction.